I'm Kelly The Cleaning Girl,
an award winning and
Professional House Cleaner
of over 20 years.
Together, with my team,
we've cleaned over 25,000
homes...that's a Lot of Lysol!
And now I teach others how
to turn their love of cleaning
into a profitable House Cleaning Company through my expert solutions, strategies & systems
along the way.
Back story, I was a struggling
business owner for 10 years and hated everything...my cleaners, my clients and my company.
I needed a change, fast!
I was alone, confused and stuck in the mud. I craved a community for house cleaners. I sat down and created an action plan. I witnessed the difference shortly after and saw profitable results, allowing me to
fall in love with my business
all over again.
By joining the House Cleaner Hustle Hub, you'll receive my proven shortcuts to start, scale and support your house cleaning company while creating a legacy for years to come.